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We make travel videos that are fun and entertaining. Professionally edited and posted to a membership site.

1st Decide on location.  

2nd Edit & produce then publish material on website.

3rd Make money, via memberships and products. All products sold in relation to your production will get you 50% of those profits.

When shooting the video, we take photos and combine them in post with appropriate background music or voice over, we than publish it on our membership sight.

$250. Cash on the spot for about 4 hours of work.

The why: we are generating income for a full feature film project - Our 7th Gen. (Script is on website and registered with screenwriter’s guild, written by published author). Focus of feature, help humans be more cognitive of our future generations and the effects of what we are leaving behind, in an entertaining method. This is available to read, and you will be considered in the casting if desired. It will be a non-profit feature film.

Un-top of the $250. Cash You will also receive 10% of generated profits from the traffic you bring to our site for the first year. (Per each video)  

After editing you will get a choice of 5 photos for your personal use.

We will also be matching your 10% and giving 10% to a non-profit of your choice.

Let’s make some attractive useful videos and have fun doing it!

Script will be put together with bullet points to follow (standard beginning, middle, end story line)

Personality, excitement, showing off will be selling points.

Friends and family, welcome at interview.  

Must be at least 18, prefer older.

Looking for real matured women. No age caps!

Contact to set up interview time.
